Polar Wildlife- Customized tours to leading destinations

For the chance to see the sensational range of polar wildlife, customized Arctic Cruise Tours are great, offering the safety, convenience and expert natural guidance that makes a wildlife vacation such a memorable experience. There are several great destinations in the northern and southern polar areas, but the leading options are Finland, West Greenland, and Spitsbergen and so on. Spitsbergen The biggest island of the Svalbard, Spitsbergen is just 600 miles south of the North Pole and the home to a versatile set of Arctic wildlife. Customized Antarctica tours take to the sea, cruising across the island to look for Polar bear hunting and possibly the rare bowhead whale. Huge amount of birds populate the coastal rifts of the island. Visiting Spitsbergen during the summer months give lovers an incredible experience of the midnight sun, as daylight stays for 24 hours. West Greenland The icy areas of Greenland concede to the fertile feeding grounds at its corners, where glacie...